Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Book of Awesome

Having a really awesome week and so I decided to pick up this book today while stopping in at Chapters Indigo. Major bonus: it was signed by the author and autographed with a series of colorful pens that totally put smile on my face as soon as I opened it.

And as I started reading, more smiles kept coming...Little things, it turns out, are extremely important to happiness, and The Book of Awesome will remind you of a thousand little things that will make you happy!

some examples:

Wearing underwear just out of the dryer: Awesome!

Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row: Awesome!

Watching the Price is Right when you're at home sick: Awesome!

Perfectly toasted toast: Awesome!
Getting your ID checked when you're way over the legal age: Awesome!

And one that happens to apply to me this year: When your birthday falls on a Friday or Saturday: AWESOME!

You can visit the author's website:

1 comment:

Laura Soler said...

maybe the loveliest idea ever!