Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Random loveliness+ more tips

I came across a website that can be helpful for aspiring writers and I thought I would share:

Arielle Ford (www.EverythingYouShouldKnow.com) has personally written seven books and her sister, Debbie (www.DebbieFord.com) has written seven bestsellers. Together, they guide you through the ins and outs of writing books and getting published. 

I"m going to check it out myself, hope it helps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great-- thanks for the tip! I have a half-written novel in Word that I have been avoiding, simply because I tend to get overwhelmed by the impossibility of actually getting published. This post was a gentle reminder to return to it and give it a shot!

P.S. I love your blog. Your photos and posts are always so beautiful!